Saturday, August 25, 2012

Observe Skin Health Diet For Long-Term Benefits

Observe Skin Health Diet For Long-Term Benefits
A skin that glows in health is something everyone would wish for but the lifestyles of many people in regard to diet does not just make it a reality. Observing the right skin health diet is one of the most rewarding practices after hygiene. There are certain foods with nutrients that will nourish your skin if taken frequently and regularly. Skin health nutrition is vital in not only making your skin look younger but also in preventing numerous skin conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis and premature ageing.
Make vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and essential fatty acids part of your skin health nutrition and with consistency you will get results over time. Legumes like beans and lentils, fish, olive oil and antioxidant vegetables are particularly good choices to make part of your daily diet. These foods help to repair and maintain the right structure of your skin that functions well and becomes resilient to ageing, exposure to sun and harmful elements in our environment. It is however necessary to avoid habits like smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol as they tend to undo the benefits of better skin health diet.
It is within the dermis layer of your skin where you will find elastin and collagen both which are essential for your skin’s elasticity. Due to ageing, the skin tends to loose its elasticity due to the stiffening of collagen fibers and thickening of elastin. It is therefore necessary to include in your diet quality proteins as a third of collagen is made up of amino glycine and less amounts of other amino acids like lysine and praline all from proteins. Eat such proteins on daily basis and they will lead To a healthy skin in the long term. Rainbow trout, sardines, salmon and other fish that contain low-levels of mercury constitute to superior proteins that should be an essential part of proper skin health diet.

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