Saturday, September 1, 2012


The medicinal value of this drink comes from both the whole lemon and extra-virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil increases the flow of bile from the liver. The lemon juice and olive oil combine together to flush toxins from liver. Lymph will then be able to drain into the liver for processing and eliminating waste products. Lemon juice helps to dissolve minerals in the food supplements to improve their assimilation into the body.
               Some people have reported drinking lemonade( lemon, water and a pinch of salt)reduces the size of their lymph nodes . The pectin from lemon peel  restores absorption of fats. In AIDS progression, fat and essential fatty acids are not well absorbed. The pectin from citrus rinds and from cooked pears or apples will help in assimilation of fats and oils. Usually, when oil is added to water, it will not mix. However you will notice that the olive oil is totally dispersed throughout the whole lemon drink. This dispersion of the oil is caused by the pectin in the rind of the lemon. In addition, the lemon juice breaks down proteins to make them easily digestible. The proof  of absorption of the oil into the body is indicated by the rapid return of your saliva Ph To normal level.
Half-bath it makes  you relax your nervous system. It has benefits and if water is scarce it need’t take  more than a cup of water. Half-bath relaxes the  nerves which, in turn, makes digestion easier and helps give a restful sleep. It’s best to do a half-bath before eating, sleeping or any time you feel upset. Scientist have noted a phenomenon called the `diving reflex’’. This reflex is present in water birds, many mammals and in human beings as well. It reduces oxygen consumption, which allows an animal diving under the water to remain under longer.
               This reflex is triggered by half-bath through the control over breathing that comes due to holding water in mouth, and through the act of splashing water in open eyes. In this reflex, the metabolism becomes slowed, the body relaxed and digestion and sleep improved. You can do it by pouring water first over genital area( after urination). Then pour water from the knees to lower legs and feet, and then over the elbows to the lower arms and hands. Next, hold a little water in the mouth and  splash water on the face and open eyes about twelve times. Then spit out the water. Then clean the nose(nose bath)by gently inhaling a tiny bit of water through the nose and blowing it out again.
You can reduce bladder and kidney infection by washing yourself after urinating or passing stool. Especially if you are suffering diarrhea, washing yourself  after passing stool is must to reduce the chances of spreading infection. When you go to the toilet, bring a mug of water with you. Keep a mug for this purpose only and do not use it for any other purpose. Use a squeeze bottle, such as shampoo  bottle. A fter  passing urine or stool wash your genitals and anus by pouring the water over them. This will cause the bladder to contract and empty more completely.You may  pass a bit more urine after that. It  will prevent old urine from collecting in the bladder which may cause stones or other problems. It will also keep you feeling fresh and cleaning, pat yourself dry with a towel or paper. Of course, wash your hands after urinating or passing stool.

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